Deep Drawing IDDRG2022 Conference LORIENT FRANCE

Abstracts & papers > Full paper submission

Full papers, when accepted after the reviewing process, will be published by IOP conference series: Materials Science and Engineering in open access.

Papers are published in gold open access by IOP Publishing Limited (IOP), who no longer requires authors to sign and submit copyright forms. Publishing a paper in the Proceedings of IDDRG 2022 conference is possible only if all authors of the paper agree in full to the terms and conditions, that are detailed here. Please read them!

All the articles submitted for publication in the proceedings will be reviewed following the peer review policy of the publisher.

The authors must follow the guidelines and use the templates, either Word or Latex templates, to be downloaded from the publisher’s website: TEMPLATES.

The maximum number of pages is 10, with a minimum of 6 pages. (Information updated !! From 8 to 10 pages maximum)

To access the platform to submit the paper, follow the LINK.



The deadline for paper submission in the proceedings is 8 February 15 February 2022.

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